Originated: Oct. 2014
Chartered: Feb 7, 2015
Current Members: 45
Board of Directors Meetings: 1st Tues. of the month
Monthly Meetings: 1st Wed. of the month
Social Meetings: 3rd Thurs. of the month
Contact information:
Conway Area Lions Club
P.O. Box 168
Conway, NH 03818
Alicia Gildea- Club President
Alicia Gildea: President
Sharon Duso: Vice-President
Rick Lammey: Treasurer
Tom Merrill / Linda Rafferty: Secretaries
Angelique Sawyer: OKS Chairperson (Operation Kid Sight)
Phil Ouellette: Membership Chairperson
Jay Bisio: LCIF Chairperson
Bob Gildea: Lion Tamer
Rich Mattei / John Rafferty: Tail Twisters
Charlie Ramsdell: Club Director
Linda Rafferty: Service Chairperson
Rick Lammey: Club Marketing / Webmaster
Times and dates may vary.
Nov. 2, 2021: Zoom meeting; 6:30pm
Nov. 30, 2021: Time and Location T.B.D.
Jan. 4, 2022: Time and Location T.B.D.
Nov. 3, 2021: 6:30pm at the First Church of Christ North Conway
Dec. 1, 2021: Time and Location T.B.D.
Jan. 5, 2022: Time and Location T.B.D.
Nov. 2021: Time and location T.B.D.
Dec. 2021: Time and Location T.B.D.
Jan. 2022: Time and Location T.B.D.
If you would like to donate to help our local communities, there are two ways you can do so. First is to our general charity funds and the second is to our local food banks. Below are the links to our Square Online Store where you can do so securely. Thank You!
Local Food Bank Donation Local Eye/Hearing DonationUsed eyeglasses can be dropped off at:
Conway Eye Care
1319 White Mountain Hwy. North Conway, NH.
Zone Chair and Conway Lions Club member received an International President's Award at the district 44-H cabinet meeting meeting for her many hours of volunteer service to the Lions. This Award is the second highest award in Lionism and is awarded by the International President to Lions who have shown a significant level of commitment to the principals of Lions and outstanding contributions in the world of service beyond the club and district levels. Congratulations Linda!
The drawing for the Sports Quilt Raffle has been postponed until Nov. 4, 2021. This is due to past Covid-19 restrictions and the cancellation of events we would normally sell tickets at. 2021 is looking much brighter. The Annual Golf Tournament is back and so is the Cones For A Cause fundraisers. There is also another NEW fundraising event in the planning stages for later in the fall of 2021. We will tell you more about that at a later date! Visit our "Events" page for up to date information about our current and future events.
Lion Clarice Girouard has spent many hours making the Emma's Sport Quilt by hand. She is donating the quilt to be raffled off to benefit Eye Care in the Mt. Washington Valley. Originally, the quilt was to be raffled off this year; but because of the Covid-19 crisis and limitations on ticket sales, the drawing will now be held on Nov. 3, 2021. Tickets are just $5 each or 3 for $10. Tickets can be purchased securely online through our Square Store Page. All instructions for purchasing tickets can be found there. Click on the button below to purchase tickets along with additional information and pictures.
On August 24th, the Conway Area Lions Club, along with Whittier Lions Club and the Mt. Washington Valley Riders, presented a check for $1,650 to Brain King for the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Foundation. Brian will be running in the 2021 Boston Marathon on October 11th to raise money for the Foundation.
Brian was diagnosed with Inherited Retinal Disease (IRD), which is causing his central vision to deteriorate. IRD is a genetic disease which cause the cells in his retina to not work properly. IRD cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. As of now, there is no known cure for the disease. However, genetic research is leading the way to develop new drugs and therapies to correct IRD. Brian is an avid sports enthusiast and has competed in numerous triathlons over the years including the IRONMAN race in Lake Placid, NY in July 2019. His is excited for the opportunity to compete in the 2021 Boston Marathon, which through his fundraising, can contribute to research to find a cure for IRD.
On August 24th, the Conway Area Lions presented the town of Conway a new bench made from recycled plastic. Over the last few months, Lions Clubs though out NH have been collecting soft plastic for a recycling program from a company called NexTrex for their film plastic recycling project. NexTrex donates a bench made from recycled plastics to any organization that collects 500 pounds of soft plastic (film plastic) in a six month period. That equates to about 40,500 plastic bags for every 500 pounds!. The bench, donated from Trex, was through the efforts of multiple clubs in district 44H. Soft plastic collections for second bench are currently underway.